Sustainability is a term which we often hear today in many fields, including the beauty industry. We are used to cosmetic brands, mainstream and indie, praising the sustainability of their products by including natural ingredients, repurposing raw materials or using biodegradable packaging. In addition to sustainability, we also hear every day “similar” terms related to ...
Winter skincare – what to change in the skincare routine with the arrival of colder days?
During winter our skin is exposed to low temperatures and strong winds which moisture from the epidermis. Blood capillaries in the dermis narrow, thus are less efficient in supplying cells with oxygen and nutrients. This results in dried and irritated skin, especially on the face and hands, and it needs external help to protect and ...
Skin microbiom
Media headlines constantly remind us of the importance of well-nourished and healthy skin, and we all strive for it. But skin care does not include only a proper routine and products, it is also necessary to pay attention to the skin itself and its composition. Do you know that the skin microbiome plays a big ...
Slugging – the latest beauty trend
Slugging has been known to skin care enthusiasts for years, and despite its unusual name it has recently gained immense popularity thanks to TikTok. TikTok beauty trends are usually revealed by professionals who characterize them as dangerous or funny, but not in this case – dermatologists and aestheticians are finally united in opinion that this ...
Summer skin care
With the arrival of warmer days, our skin is also becoming more radiant. We enjoy spending time outdoors, whether it is enjoying the beach or walking the city streets. We must not forget that prolonged sun exposure requires additional protection, as UV rays can accelerate the aging process of the skin and cause premature appearance ...