Essential oil Rosemary 1,8 cineol (Rosmarinus officinalis), 10 ml


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Stimulating and purifying essential oil with herbal, pleasant woody scent.

-Boosts immune system

-Stimulates circulation and helps reduce cellulite

-Stimulates hair growth and gives it a healthy look and shine

-Normalizes excessive sebum production and helps with dandruff and seborrhe

-An excellent choice for a diffuser in the classroom or workspace


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Boosts immune system, used in the prevention of flu, most often in combination with essential oils eucalyptus and ravintsara.



-Strong expectorant and mucolytic
-Antibacterial and antifungal
-Antimicrobial and antistress
-Stimulates digestive system, relieves nausea


Blends well with:

tea tree, eucaliptus, ravintsara, basil, bergamot, cedar, thyme, ginger, lemon, orange, peppermint


Botanical name:

Rosmarinus officinalis





Type of production:

Water steam distillation of branches and flower tops


Country of origin:




Should be diluted in carrier oil before using on the skin. Not suitable for people with epilepsy and high blood pressure. It should not be used during pregnancy as it encourages bleeding. It may cause dermatitis in hypersensitive people. Keep out of reach of children. In case of pregnancy, nursing and health problems consult a doctor before using essential oil.


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