Natural deodorants are considered a “must” these days, especially when we want to avoid harmful chemicals and aluminum chlorohydrate. However, many are skeptical about whether a natural roll-on or cream deodorant will work. We’re here to clarify the situation! If you want to learn how to switch to natural deodorant without skin irritation and unpleasant odors, what are all the benefits of choosing natural and whether natural deodorants can really work, read on.
Although they are considered a healthy option, many are divided on their effectiveness because they are not sufficiently informed on how to properly switch to natural deodorant. Do you have all the information before you write off natural deodorant? Do you know the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant? Do you know the impact of various (unnecessary) chemicals on our bodies?
Why choose a natural deodorant?
Did you know that a large number of deodorants on store shelves are actually antiperspirants? This type of deodorant actually prevents sweating, which is why there is no unpleasant odor. From a health perspective, antiperspirants have a negative effect on immunity because they prevent the elimination of toxins from the body, but also block our lymphatic system. As we know, the lymphatic system is essential for maintaining a healthy body, so it is recommended to avoid these types of deodorants. Especially if you have a weakened immune system.
Many classic deodorants also contain aluminum chlorohydrate, which is associated with a higher potential for developing malignant diseases because its molecules are smaller than the pores on the skin and easily enter the body. In addition to aluminum chlorohydrate, when you look at the ingredients, there are numerous other chemicals (phthalates, fragrances, triclosan) that have no place on your skin. A deodorant without parabens and aluminum chlorohydrate, and even many other unnecessary ingredients, should be your top priority.
How to switch to a natural deodorant – cream or deo roll-on?
When asked why many people are skeptical about the effectiveness of natural deodorants, we can unfortunately answer – because of various questionable formulations and unsuitability for our skin. Natural deodorant can irritate the skin (if it contains baking soda) and reduce the desire to switch to healthier options. We recommend avoiding aluminum-free deodorants that contain baking soda because there are various irritant-free options – such as our deo roll-ons and cream deodorants.
Many also find that natural options don’t work for them, and they don’t realize that it takes 2-3 weeks for the skin to balance out after using traditional deodorants. Winter is also the best time to switch from traditional deodorants/antiperspirants because we sweat less.
It is also advisable to do an armpit detox to get rid of toxins as soon as possible and speed up the adaptation.
Detox maska za pazuhe:
- 1 tbsp clay of choice
- 2 tsp water
- 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1-2 drops tea tree essential oil (or without)
Natural deodorant that works
Our Deo roll-on natural deodorants without aluminum chlorohydrate and alcohol are long-lasting, don’t irritate the skin and contain natural essential oils. Although they prevent unpleasant odors, they do not interfere with sweating and the natural elimination of toxins from the body. Deo roll-on without aluminum comes in three options: Fresh, Floral or Men. They don’t clog pores or leave marks on clothes and are practical to use in any occasion.
Deo Cream is formulated without aluminum, alcohol, or baking soda. It absorbs moisture, doesn’t interfere with sweating, neutralizes odors, and nourishes underarm skin all day long. It comes in two options: Sensitive or Tea Tree.
Explore all natural deodorants here.